1. выбери нужный артикль. 1) he has got…ball. … ball is big. a) a, the b) ---, a c) the, a 2) she is … girl. … girl has … dolls. a) ---, --- b) ---, the c) a, the 3) my mother is … teacher. she teaches …english. a) the, the b) a, --- c) a, the 4) i have got … apple. … apple is red. a) an, the b) the, the c) a, the 5) … lylu is … lazy. a) a, the b) the, a c) ---, 2. выбери have или has. i seven colour pens and a pencil. my sisters to read five books. my brother got a computer. we got a new carpet. they got nine rooms in their house. 3. вставь is или are. there some olive oil in the salad. there a lot of cucumbers in the box. there some tea in the cup. there a lot of butter on the plate. there some flour in the bag. 4. образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных. small funny big nice happy good fat tall 5. выбери правильный модальный глагол. i sing song. a) can b) must c) may 2) we get up early on sunday. a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can my brother do his homework every day. a) mustn’t b) must c) can i come in? a) can b) may c) must i help you? a) can b) may c) must 6. выберите правильный глагол. last sunday i to the park. a) go b) went c) will go my sister to the music last night. a) dance b) will dance c) danced my father and i to moscow next week. a) go b) went c) will go i books every day. a) read b) will read c) reads i to my grandmother next month. a) write b) wrote c) will write 7. задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. they made a cake yesterday. he’ll go to the park tomorrow. my sister and i play tennis on sundays. they are at school now. he drank some coffee yesterday.

Alinamail02 Alinamail02    3   29.04.2019 08:59    11

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