Это ! такое: fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(заполните пропуски в правильной форме глаголов). не могли бы вы ,написав как будет правильно.и расписать почему у вас так получилось. 1.most metals rust when they ) wet. 2.if l had time.) a game of football. 3.lf you train hard,) on the team. 4.lf l were rich,) my favourite team play all over the world. 5.lf ) harder,we would have won the game. 6.) to ice when you freeze it. 7.lf you had told me you needed help,) it to you. 8.lf l knew how to swim,)confident in the water. 9.lf they score a goal,) surprised. 10.lf we ) about the math earlier,we could have bought tickets.