1. Use the verb in correct tense. 1.My mother (cook) breakfast tomorrow. 2. I (buy ) a new printer yesterday. 3.My friend (do ) homework every day. 4.My grandmother (read ) the text now. 5.She ( catch ) a frog today. 6.We (go ) to theatre every week. 7.I (like ) this film. 8.Children (watch) cartoons the whole evening yesterday. 2. Make questions using the clues below. 1.They / go on a tramp last Sunday? 2.Her brother / go to the country with us next Sunday? 3.Granny / cook dinner now? 4.Our friends / cook means on a fire last summer? 5.Her sister /wash the dishes now? 6.Father / work now? 7.You / go to the south next summer? 8.You/ go to London Last summer? 3. Translate into English 1. Моя сестра спить зараз. 2. Мій дідусь грав у футбольній команді. 3. Моя бабуся готує обід кожен день. 4. Моя мама працює кожного дня. 5. Я поїду в Париж наступного літа. 6. Ми перекладали текст весь вечір вчора. 7. Що ви робите зараз? 8. Я нарешті дописала свій роман. 9. Ми не поїдемо до Києва цього тижня. 10. Коли мі підемо гуляти? 4. Put each of the following words into its correct place in the passage below. afternoon chocolate lunch rolls bacon continental meals second breakfast English menu supper juice morning syrup Meals Most people eat three. ... a day - breakfast, . . . .and dinner. Some eat a fourth meal , late at night tradition provides an extra light meal served in the late….Its basic….. usually includes tea and special tea cakes or cucumber sandwiches. Meals vary in different countries…..in the United States may include fruit or fruit. . . . , coffee, toast, and a choice of cereal or. . . and eggs. Many persons like pancakes with maple. . . . for breakfast…..Europeans sometimes have an early breakfast of ……and coffee or hot…….and eat a……..breakfast later on in the…..

lolkekcheburek27 lolkekcheburek27    1   24.03.2020 18:59    7

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