1 UNITS 26 AND 27 Find six more mistakes and correct them. Tick () the correct sentences. have
0 Does Melanie has a lot of friends in her new school?
00 Lukasz always brings me a present when he comes back to London. ✓
1 Sarah needs help with her homework. She don't understand the maths.
2 Don't go in there! That sign means 'danger'!
3 Yves is very good-looking. He got blue eyes and black hair.
4 Do you have got any tickets left for tomorrow evening?
$ I feel terrible; I think I'm having a cold.
6 Children have often difficulty in sharing their toys.
7 This laptop has a number of interesting features.
8 Sorry, but we don't any lamb steaks today.
2 UNITS 27, 28 AND 29 Jeanette usually teaches English in London in the summer. This year
she is giving English lessons to two children in Greece. Complete each sentence with a
suitable form of the verbs in brackets.
O Jeanette usually works
all day in the summer but today she's stopping
at 12.30. (work, stop)

karamendes1p06wtk karamendes1p06wtk    2   29.10.2020 10:06    1033

пажалуйста4 пажалуйста4  27.01.2024 16:47
Вопрос 1:
0. Предложение: Does Melanie has a lot of friends in her new school?
Ошибка: has
Коррекция: Does Melanie have a lot of friends in her new school?

1. Предложение: Sarah needs help with her homework. She don't understand the maths.
Ошибка: don't
Коррекция: Sarah needs help with her homework. She doesn't understand the maths.

2. Предложение: Don't go in there! That sign means 'danger'!
Ошибок нет.

3. Предложение: Yves is very good-looking. He got blue eyes and black hair.
Ошибка: got
Коррекция: Yves is very good-looking. He has blue eyes and black hair.

4. Предложение: Do you have got any tickets left for tomorrow evening?
Ошибка: have got
Коррекция: Do you have any tickets left for tomorrow evening?

5. Предложение: I feel terrible; I think I'm having a cold.
Ошибок нет.

6. Предложение: Children have often difficulty in sharing their toys.
Ошибка: often
Коррекция: Children often have difficulty in sharing their toys.

7. Предложение: This laptop has a number of interesting features.
Ошибок нет.

8. Предложение: Sorry, but we don't any lamb steaks today.
Ошибка: don't
Коррекция: Sorry, but we don't have any lamb steaks today.

Вопрос 2:
Jeanette usually works all day in the summer but today she's stopping at 12.30. (work, stop)

Коррекция: Jeanette usually works all day in the summer but today she is stopping at 12.30.

Обоснование: Здесь используется форма настоящего простого времени для глагола "work" вместе с наречием "usually". Однако, когда речь идет о действии, происходящем в данный момент, используется форма настоящего продолженного времени (Present Continuous). Поэтому, "work" в данном предложении заменяется на "is working". Второй глагол "stop" уже находится в форме настоящего продолженного времени, поэтому его не требуется изменять.
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