Write A if they are and Advantage and D if they are Disadvantages 1. There are many types ofentertainment (TV, video games, Pod…

2. Technology has simplified daily tasks.

3. People save a lot of time: you don't need to leave home to book your holidays,

to buy tickets or to go shopping.

5. Teenagers prefer their computer to the company of other children.

6. People are replaced by machines and become unernployed.

7. Computers are useful educational toys.

8. Computers are never ill, absent termpered. 11. Children / teenagers spend

барма өтініш беріндерш ​

Write A if they are and Advantage and D if they are Disadvantages 1. There are many types ofentertai

ponyni ponyni    1   26.10.2020 16:48    13

IHannahI IHannahI  26.10.2020 16:50



жәй ғана аударасын /перевод

сүйтіп аударған соң ана жерде мысалы битіп тұр lf l am free/fovorite film /l wath my сол жерге сәйкес келетін сөздерді жаз аударып ок бұл шын!

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