1 Today is (20) of October, 2 My best friend Misha is
(13) years old. 3 - Which floor are Ksenya and Maria on? - They are on
(12) floor. 4 My block of flats has got
(18) lооrѕ. 5
(2) day of the week is Tuesday. 6 - How much is that umbrella? - It's
(11) pounds.
3. What's this in English?
1- У меня иу Сергея квартиры в том многоэтажном доме.
- Ваши квартиры на одном этаже?
- Нет. У Сергея квартира на пятом этаже, а у меня на девятом.
2 - Посмотри на эту фотографию. Это мой новый дом. - Он очень красивый!
3 В моем доме 25 этажей. - А на каком этаже твоя квартира?
На двадцать первом. Кейт - моя подруга из Шотландии. У нее очень боль
первом этаже у нее холл,
гостиная и кухня. На втором этаже у нее две ванных комнаты и три спальни.
5 - Урок географии на третьем этаже?
- Нет. На втором. 6 - Какая твоя любимая комната? - Гостиная.​

dimamc99 dimamc99    2   27.10.2020 10:12    58

kazashkatv kazashkatv  16.01.2024 22:35
1. Today is (20) of October.

To determine the ordinal number for 20, we need to look at the last digit. If the last digit is 1, then it is "st" (first), if it's 2, then it is "nd" (second), if it's 3, then it is "rd" (third), and for any other digit from 4 onwards, it is "th" (twentieth). So, the answer is "20th".

2. My best friend Misha is (13) years old.

To determine the ordinal number for 13, we apply the same rule as before. Since the last digit is 3, it is "rd" (thirteenth).

3. Which floor are Ksenya and Maria on? - They are on the (12) floor.

The preposition "on" is used to indicate the floor someone is on. The ordinal number for 12 is "twelfth", so the answer is "They are on the twelfth floor."

4. My block of flats has got (18) floors.

Using the same rule, the ordinal number for 18 is "eighteenth". So, the answer is "My block of flats has got eighteen floors."

5. The (2) day of the week is Tuesday.

For days of the week, we don't use ordinal numbers. Instead, we simply say the number and the day. So, the answer is "The second day of the week is Tuesday."

6. How much is that umbrella? - It's (11) pounds.

No ordinal number is needed here, as we are simply stating the amount. So, the answer is "It's eleven pounds."


1. I and Sergey have apartments in that multi-story building.
- Are your apartments on the same floor?
- No. Sergey's apartment is on the fifth floor, and mine is on the ninth.

2. Look at this photo. This is my new house. - It's very beautiful!

3. There are 25 floors in my building. - On which floor is your apartment?
On the twenty-first floor. Kate is my friend from Scotland. She has a very big house.
On the first floor, she has a hall, a living room, and a kitchen. On the second floor, she has two bathrooms and three bedrooms.

5. Is the geography lesson on the third floor?
- No, it's on the second floor.

6. What is your favorite room?
- The living room.
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