1.Read the text and choose the correct words: the dominant standard, modern communication, beyond doubt, periodicals, standard, business, main reason, development, in the future.

I’m learning English because it’s the language of …, computer and business. I would also like to read the … and books in the … . I can’t agree with the statements that either American or British will be the world’s… variety … of English. I disagree with the fact that any of its standard variety will be the world’s main language. Any country has its own culture: literature, traditions and customs. … such countries will keep their own language and use English only as a means of … and international communication.

2.Report the sentences.

1.Father said to me: “Isaac Newton is famous for his laws of gravitation.”
2.He said: “I want to speak to you.”
3.Olga said: ”Julia is going to Paris tomorrow”
4.I said to him:”I have been waiting for you since 2 pm.”
5.Polly said: “I’ve been very sick, but I’m feeling much better now.”
6.He said: “The price doesn’t include the cost of packing.”

3.Begin the questions.

1. … are you learning English?
2. … is the best way to learn it?
3. … useful learning strategies can you name?
4. … do you learn it?
5. … person could be called a good language learner?


Родной язык
Лингва франка
Трудно сказать
Широко рас Свыше
Огромное количество
Разные варианты
Легко заимствовать
Торгующее государство
Поставщик товаров
Уровень жизни
Влияние на мир.

5. Translate.

Если ты будешь заниматься упорно, получишь хорошие результаты.
Если она выучит слова, ей будет общаться гораздо проще.
Если мы будем использовать видео, аудио и словарики как можно чаще, мы сделаем большой прогресс в изучении иностранного языка.
Если вы будете пить больше витаминов, вы будете выглядеть лучше.
Если мой отец будет делать упражнения, он восстановится после болезни.

klubnichka10 klubnichka10    3   23.04.2020 17:27    256

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