1. Read and match. Example: drive a car

1) paint a) soccer

2) watch b) TV

3) make c) a kite

4) play d) a picture

5) fly e) a sandcastle

2. Read and write the answer.

What are the children doing?

Example: Dave (eat) a hot dog. - Dave is eating a hot dog.

1) Anna (wear) a mac.

2) Ben (ride) a bike.

3) Tim and Dan (play) basketball.

4) Sue and her sister (drink) Coke.

5) Mike (sleep)

3. Read and fill in : am, is or are.

Example: What are you doing?

1) The baby sleeping.

2) I wearing a mac.

3) you painting your face?

4) Mum and Dad eating hot dogs.

5) your sister making a sandcastle?

4. Read and choose.

Example: What are you eating?

a) I'm eating ice cream. b) Here you are.

1) Are you having a good time?

a) I'm having lunch. b)Yes, I am.

2) Who's playing a game?

a) It's Sam. b) Sam is.

3. What are you doing?

a) I'm reading. b) I'm five. Thanks.

4) Are you ready ?

ŤằтьЯℌa2005 ŤằтьЯℌa2005    1   30.04.2020 16:21    1

yulya160 yulya160  14.10.2020 05:08


1. играть футбол

2. сделать замок из песка

3. Смотреть телевизор

4. летает воздушный змей

5.краска картинка

1. play football

2. make a sand castle

3. Watch TV

4. flying a kite

5.Flu picture


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