1 Поставить глагол из скобок в нужную форму.
1 Hot air _rises (rise).
2 This car ¬¬¬¬¬ (go) very fast.
3 The pump (push) water through the pipe.
4 Five fans (cool) the air in this large room.

2 Построить отрицательное предложение.
5 Cold air rises to the top of a house.
6 Electrons flow around an open circuit.

3 Разобрать по синонимам. Записать целиком.
7 water enters the tank
8 water leaves the tank
9 water rises to the top of the tank
10 water sinks to the bottom of the tank
11 water stays at the top of the tank
12 water flows through the tank
A water goes up to the top of the tank
B water does not go down to the bottom of the tank
C water goes out of the tank
D water passes through the tank
E water goes into the tank
F water goes down to the bottom of the tank

4 Заполнить пропуски предлогами из рамки..
into / out of / around / through
Cold water flows 13 the engine through the bottom hose. Then it flows 14 the engine and cools it. The water becomes hot. Then the hot water flows 15 the engine 16 the top hose.

5 Напишите «электрические » слова.
17 con___tor
18 bat___y
19 ter___al
20 sw___h

7 Закончите предложения.
outlet / valve / inlet / tank
23 Petrol enters the pipe through the .
24 Petrol leaves the pipe through the .
25 When you close the , the petrol doesn’t flow.
26 You store the petrol in the .

8 Подпишите необходимое слово.
A fan / B thermostat / C engine / D radiator
27 It controls the temperature of the engine.
28 Hot water flows into it and cool water flows out of it.
29 It drives the wheels of the car.
30 It blows cold air onto the radiator.

ayveliss ayveliss    1   30.03.2020 18:27    312

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