1. Переведи предложения, используя время Past Simple или Present Perfect. 1) Мои родители вчера купили новую машину. 2) Они только что построили дом летом я не ездил на море. 4) Дети моих друзей еще не были в зоопарке. 5) Твоя сестра уже написала письмо бабушке? 2. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение. 1) are how words write we to many supposed? 2) mustn’t ink use you. 3) draft to we need do write a? 4) fill do have to up I? 5) you what it supposed do think is be to?
3. Заполните пропуски словами must, mustn’t or needn’t. 1. ‘Do you want me to wait for you?’ ‘No, it’s okay. You …… wait.’ 2. Tom gave me a letter to post. I …… forget to post it. 3. You ..…. come if you don’t want to but I hope you will. 4. ‘What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?’ ‘Well, it …… be big – that’s not important. But it ...… have a nice garden – that’s essential. 5. We have enough food at home so we …… go shopping today.
4. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. You (must, have to) come and have a game of tennis with my son. You will be impressed. 2. The buses were full and we (must, had to) take a taxi. 3. I understand. You (mustn’t, don’t have to) translate. 4. You (must, have to) look both ways before crossing the road. 5. We’ll book a room for you. You (mustn’t, don’t have to) look for a hote.
5. Найдите в правой колонке эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний: 1. environmental protection 2. to absorb (smth) 3. acid 4. to pollute 5. to reduce the resources of forest 6. water shortage 7. to suffer an environmental problem 8. destroy 9. wastes 10. to damage the resources a. сокращать лесные ресурсы b. защита окружающей среды c. разрушать d. поглощать e. загрязнять f. кислота g. нехватка воды h. отходы i. нанести ущерб ресурсам j. сталкиваться с проблемой окружающей среды
6. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы: Вопросы 1. What do people’s activities result in? 2. What happens to birds, animals, fish and people because of polluted water? 3. What do wastes of cars and plants destroy? 4. What must we do of we want our children to live in a healthier world? ответы a. Many birds, animals and fish die of polluted water. Others are getting contaminated and people may get sick from eating them. b. We must learn to protect the water. The air and the earth from the pollution. c. Air and water pollution. d. The ozone layer which protects us from the sun.
7. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания: 1. The wastes of cars and plants pollute the atmosphere … a) but do not destroy the ozone layer and forests. b) and destroy the ozone layer and forests which are dying from acid rains. c) but do not affect the balance of nature. 2. People are concerned about the air and the water used by everyone because they understand that their activities … a) improve and make their life healthier. b) improve machines and do not affect the balance of nature. c) but do not affect the balance of nature. 3. People must learn to use the environment carefully and .. a) affect the balance of nature. b) make their life easily. c) protect ot from damages caused by their activities.