1. Образуйте необходимую форму причастия от глаголов в скобках, чтобы заполнить пропуски в следующих предложениях:

… ( to heat) the engine needs cooling. (to measure) with inaccurate instruments the data were incorrect.

…(to perform) the flight around the Moon the automatic station returned safely to the Earth. According to the data … (to obtain) the test was successful in spite of all the difficulties.

5. The details … (to use) for the installation weighed as much as tons.

6. … (to increase) the voltage across a resistor, we increase the current which

flows through it.

7. While … (to study) the behaviour of helium near absolute zero the

scientists made a surprising discovery

8. Two or more cells … (to connect) together constitute a battery.

9. … (to finish) the research the scientist made a thorough analysis of the

collected data.

10. … (to be) a good insulator, rubber is often used in cables.

II. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу причастиями,

образованными от следующих глаголов:

surround; invite; magnetize; place; generate; use; contain; pass; speak;


… about the new methods of work the engineer told us many interesting details,

2. A magnet attracts only things … iron.

3. Metals … in industry in the form of alloys have better properties than

pure metals.

4. The amount of heat … depended on the quality of the fuel used.

5. If … in a vessel, a gas fills it completely.

6. The space … a charged body is called an electric field of force.

… to take part in the work of a scientific society, the young engineer went to Moscow.

8. A current … through the winding of a solenoid acquires magnetic properties.

9. Iron becomes … ifplaced in a strong magnetic field. 10. The student … the relay should follow safety rules.

III. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. … with butteries solar-powered systems operate at night.


a) being supplied

b) having supplied

c) supplying
2. The equipment … yesterday han just be installed.

a) delivering

b) delivered

c) being delivered

3. Tests of the properties of the electromagnetie cir out .out hy this teehave

shown good results,

a) carrying

b) carried

c) having carried


4. Many people are against power plants … waste.

a) burning

b) burnt

c) being burnt

5. Са

5. Capacity is one of the important properties greatly … an clectric circuit.



a) affecting

b) being affected

c) having affected

6. Wood is one of the oldest materials … in engineering structures and devices.

a) employing

b) employed

c) having employed

7. The power … by the expansion of the gases in the cylinder can be determined.

a) developing

b) having developed

c) developed

8. Friction will act on the … body so as to stop it.

a) moved

b) moving

c) being moved

to radiation, various substances undergo radical changes of their properties.

a) being subjected

b) having subjected

c) subjecting

10. The lab assistant is cheking a … clectric circuit.

a) being broken

b) breaking

c) broken

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