1. Have you got a hobby? If yes, what is it? 2. How long have you had this hobby?
3. Is it an expensive hobby?
4. Why do you like it?
5. How much time do you spend on your hobby?
6. Is it a common hobby in Uzbekistan?
7. Write down three other common hobbies in your country.
1 - Xobbingiz bormi? Ha bo'lsa, bu nima?
2 - Siz qancha vaqtdan beri bu sevimli mashg'ulotingiz bilan shug'ullanasiz?
3 - Bu qimmat sevimli mashg'ulotmi?
4 - Nega buni yoqtirasiz?
5 - O'zingizning sevimli mashg'ulotingiz uchun qancha vaqt sarflaysiz?
6 - Bu O'zbekistondagi oddiy sevimli mashg'ulotmi?
7 - Mamlakatingizda yana uchta sevimli mashg'ulotingizni yozing.