1 * Circle the correct words in the table. 1 Use will to show we are sure / not sure about
the future.
2 Use might to show we are sure / not sure
about the future.
3 The negative of will is don't will / won't
4 The negative of might is don't might /
might not.
5 Use will or might + infinitive / -ing form.

там где / надо выбрать

1 * Circle the correct words in the table. 1 Use will to show we are sure / not sure about the futur

лия206 лия206    3   11.12.2021 17:00    14

Mished Mished  31.01.2022 05:38

- - - >


1. not sure

2. not sure

3. won't

4. might not

5. infinitive

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