Task1. listen to the recording and fill in the gap.
go to this link to listen
most kids 1
_school. they say their subjects 2
much homework. in fact, school is one of the best times of a person's life. think about it. the hours are
short - usually just six hours a day. you get to do science experiments to learn lots of really useful stuff.
you get to do science experiments, learn a musical instrument and play sports. on top of that,
holidays. oh, i nearly forgot, you also 4
play with
your friends five days a week. what is there not to like? ok, school lunches are not the best in the world
but you 5
lunch. and yes, exams are stressful, but if you study, you'll do well
in them. i'd love to go back to school. if16
i'd try my best in every subject.​

АленаКонева АленаКонева    3   27.09.2019 12:31    12

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