Заполните пропуски в предложении. 1) i remember … married. выберите один ответ: i getting of getting when getting getting 2) he is smart enough … this job. to get for get for getting to getting 3) my son was able enough … at the age of 4. reading to read read for reading 4) i like … spanish because it's a very beautiful language. speaking speak be spoken spoken 5) on sundays tom spent his time … english. to practice practicing being practiced having practice 6) we came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film. seen for be seeing for see to see 7) i like … english books. read reading to be read having read 8) this sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition. for winning to be win to win winning 9) this student reads too slowly … a good mark. getting to get for getting to getting 10) fred had difficulties … for the examination. being prepare preparing to prepare prepared вопрос 16 11) i sold my old car … a new one. buy to bought to buy buyed

varyavernerr varyavernerr    3   08.09.2019 00:50    1

khydyrov1404 khydyrov1404  06.10.2020 23:54
2to get
3to read
6to see
8to win
9to get
11to buy
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