The colours of the flag of Ireland, from left to right, are ...
a) blue, white, red b) green, white, orange c) green, white, red
2. Ireland is situated in ... of Europe.
a) the north-east b) the north-west c) the south
3. The capital of the Republic of Ireland and its biggest city is ...
a) Cork b) Limerick c) Dublin
4. The longest river in Ireland is ...
a) the River Shannon b) the Sava c)the River Liffey
5. Which of the mountains is in Ireland?
a) Carrauntoohill b) Mont Blanc c) Mount Everest
6. Which of these lakes is in Ireland?
a) Lake Superior b) Loch Ness c) Lough Corrib
7. To the west of Ireland is ...
a) the Atlantic Ocean b) the Pacific Ocean c) the Arctic Ocean.
8. To the east of Ireland is ...
a) the Black Sea b) the Irish Sea c) the Mediterrannean Sea
9. The official language(s) in Ireland is \ are ...
a) Irish b) English c) both English and Irish
10. The patron saint of Ireland is ...
a) St.Patrick b) St.George c) St.Andrew
11. The symbol of Ireland is ...
a) a rose b) a shamrock c) a thistle
12. The climate in Ireland is ...
a) hot and dry b) warm and wet c) hot and wet

Konstantin11111 Konstantin11111    1   18.05.2020 09:36    21

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