Решить тест task 1: choose the right form of the verb. 1)every day i ….. to school. goes gone go 2)i can’t speak to you at the moment – i ….. the cat. am feeding feed fed 3)i ….. the book and now i can watch tv. am reading read have read 4)i can’t eat a sandwich as my hands are dirty – i …. the horses. groom have been grooming had been grooming 5)moscow …. by millions of people every year. is visited visited were visited 6)this poem … by alexander pushkin. were written will be written was written 7)my mother likes to travel … car. on by at 8)my grandfather prefers travelling …. foot. on by at task 2: translate into english, using the infinitive. учить – трудно. мои планы на будущее – сдать успешно экзамены и получить аттестат. я решил продолжить изучение языка. мне некому . у меня нет словаря, которым я мог бы воспользоваться. я пришел сюда, чтобы увидеть тебя. много людей учат , чтобы общаться с иностранцами. task 3: fill in the articles when necessary. , canal, , baikal, , square, square, ocean, desert, english language, , , , federation, , sea, islands, , . task 4: write the sentences in reported speech. 1)my mother said: ”i will go to the cinema tomorrow” 2)my father said: “i have never been to london! ” 3)i ask him: “carrie, give me this book” task 5: what do you think about your future? write some sentences.

дрин2 дрин2    2   12.06.2019 02:40    9

brody96 brody96  12.06.2019 02:40
1: 1.2: 2.3: 1.4: 2.5: 1.6: 2.7: 2.8: 3 номер  2 в googl переводчик
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