Составить отрицательное и вопросительное предложение. 1) he plays computer games. 2) she is playing with her dolls. 3) a cat has eaten its meal.

dimidrol7331 dimidrol7331    1   23.06.2019 14:10    0

vyrov08 vyrov08  19.07.2020 12:20
1) Does he play computer games?
    He doesn't play computer games.
2) Is she playing with her doll?
    She isn't playing with her doll.
3) Has a cat eaten its meal?
    A cat hasn't eaten its meal.
дима2901 дима2901  19.07.2020 12:20
1) He plays computer games.
He doesn't play computer games.
Does he play computer games?

2) She is playing with her dolls.
She isn't playing with her dolls.
Is she playing with her dolls?

3) A cat has eaten its meal.
A cat hasn't eaten its meal.
Has a cat eaten its meal?
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