Превратите следующие предложения в косвенную речь 1. He said : " I live in a big hotel . " 2. He told her : " I am going to the restaurant . "
3. Larry said : " I found my key
4. They told me : " We were very sad . "
5. Kate said : " I have founded a new computer game ".
Измените вопросы на косвенную речь .
6. My sister wanted to know : " Where has Tom gone ?
7. They asked : " What did the workers eat ?
8. I wandered « Have you ever been to Spain , Olga ?
9. I asked : When will the next bus arrive ?
10. " Do you grow apple trees in your garden , Mrs. Smith?

аринашум2007 аринашум2007    1   28.04.2021 14:43    3

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