Поставьте следующие предложения в the past и the future perfect continuous tenses, употребляя соответствующие обстоятельства времени 1. i have been learning the new words for an hour, but i don't remember them. 2. jane has been writing letters to her friends since morning. 3. my father has been reading newspapers since he came back from his office. 4. it has been raining heavily all day long. 5. the boys have been playing football for 2 hours. 6. you have been speaking on the phone for half an hour already.

Mraleex Mraleex    1   13.09.2019 08:00    6

gen1978 gen1978  07.10.2020 11:24
1. I had been learning the new words for an hour yesterday, but I didn't remember them.
2. Jane will have been writing letters to her friends since morning tomorrow at this time.
3. My father will have been reading newspapers tomorrow when he comes back from his work.
4. It had been raining heavily all day long last Sunday.
5. The boys will have been playing football for two hours the day after tomorrow.
6. You had already been speaking on the phone for an hour when I came in.
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