Напишите в времени и в косвенной речи a. have you already moved into the new flat? b. oh yes, we have, and we expect you to come to our house-warming party next sunday. a. thank you, i’ll he very glad. is it a two-room flat? b. yes, a very nice one, with all modern conveniences. a. is it in a multistorey house? b. it’s a nine-storey building, five minutes from the metro. a. well, it’s very convenient, isn’t it? b. of course.

serob1223 serob1223    1   21.09.2019 17:30    0

danilkarev201 danilkarev201  08.10.2020 07:37
1. He asked if they had already moved into the new flat.
2. They said they had and they expected him to come to their house-warming party next Sunday
3. He thanked them and said that he would be very glad. He asked if that was a two-room flat.
4. They answered positively and said that was a very nice one, with all modern conveniences.
5. He asked if that was in a multistorey house.
6. They answered that the building was five minutes from the metro and that(это) was a nine-storey one.
7. He said that(это) was very convenient and asked if that wasn't.
8. They agreed with him.
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