Iwish that i (0) b remember my friend’s birthday. i can’t remember if nancy (1) on the 15th or the 25th of april. i want to have a surprise party for her, but if i (2) her directly the surprise (3) ! the other day i tried to find out what her zodiac sign (4) , hoping that during the conversation she (5) me her birthday, but it didn’t work. it’s so difficult to make any plans without being sure. of course the restaurant that we’re going to (6) , but (7) i know the exact day, i can’t book a table. i suppose her mother (8) me if i called her up. 0a canb couldc willd would 1a has been born b is bornc was bornd born 2a askb will askc would askd had asked 3a was lost b is lostc had been lostd would be lost 4a hasb wasc hadd being 5a tellsb is tellingc would telld will tell 6a was chosenb has chosenc has choose d has been chosen 7a unless b if only c if d as long as 8 atold bwould tell c will tell dtell

artursharipoff artursharipoff    1   06.05.2019 12:17    2

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