40 ! составить предложения со словами: rule,long,time warp,era,vaules,cheris,time capsule,retro decor,second-hand,vintage,authentic,lipstick,tight,convention,trilby hat,bland,make do,mend,throwaway fashion,pension,distressing,admit,conveniences,out of sight,spoil,in retreat form,violence,greed,materialism,shudder.

14умник 14умник    2   07.07.2019 14:20    2

ученик17101 ученик17101  30.07.2020 20:13
School have one important rule-always wear your uniform. We had a long journey. I would like to imagine a time warp mechanism. I like to imagine something about dinosaurs era. Vaules - что за слово такое? I like to eat cherish. What will our sons put in time capsule? I don't like retro decor, modern is even better. Usually, second-hand cloth costs not too much money. I have a vintage chair in my room. I have an authentic friends! Lipsticks are delicious. I don't now how sailors tight ropes. Дальше не могу, что смог- то
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