Ihope you liked my postcard. how do you usually spend moscow city day? do you enjoy it? why? what are the best places to have fun in your city перевод : надеюсь, тебе понравилась моя открытка. как вы обычно проводите день в москве? тебе нравится? причина? каковы лучшие места, чтобы весело провести время в вашем городе 70 -100 нап

retul retul    1   06.09.2019 21:20    2

vika27272705 vika27272705  06.10.2020 21:51
We usually visit museums and parks, also we go to restaurants and watch tv shows. And I very like it! I enjoy it because Moscow is very beautiful city and I like watching at her buildings and parks! I think that the best places of Moscow are Red Square, Tretyakov Gallery and Pushkin Museum.
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