1. My watch keeps (stop). 2. I suggested (go) by sea. 3. The taxi-driver tried to stop in time, but he couldn't avoid (hit) the old woman. 4. Please, go on
(write). 5. It's no use (wait). 6.The book is worth (read). 7. When I came he was
busy (write) a letter to his friend. 8. I didn't feel like (work) so I suggested
(spend) the day in the country.

Assssssa Assssssa    3   12.12.2020 08:39    7

хорошист549 хорошист549  11.01.2021 08:40

1 stopping 2 going 3 hitting 4 writing 5 waiting 6 reading 7 writing 8 working, spending

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