Переведите эти предложения на , только
в июне мы с мамой поехали отдыхать на кипр. мы каждый день приходили на тёплое голубое море и лежали на пляже. погода была приятная и за это время мы смогли посетить множество экскурсий. после нашей поездки мы собрались к бабушке в деревню и провели там долгое время. каждый вечер мы наслаждались прекрасными закатами. я провела чудесные каникулы со своей семьёй.
заранее !

anastya3 anastya3    1   04.09.2019 16:26    0

Yana541234678906421 Yana541234678906421  06.10.2020 17:18

In June, my mother and I went to rest in Cyprus. We came every day to the warm blue sea and lay on the beach. The weather was pleasant and during this time we were able to visit many excursions. After our trip, we gathered with my grandmother in the village and spent a long time there. We enjoyed great activities every night. I had a wonderful vacation with my family.ъяснение:

mansursatuev mansursatuev  06.10.2020 17:18

Every day we came to the warm blue sea and lay on the beach. The weather was pleasant and during this time we were able to visit many excursions. After our trip we were going to grandma's village and stayed there for a long time. Every evening we enjoyed beautiful sunsets. I had a wonderful vacation with my family.

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