вставить слова в предложение. MEANS OF TRANSMISSION
cables. radio. waves.
wires. coaxial cables. optical fibres. antennas. satellites

- Telecommunication systems need means for the (1 ) of any
information, wh ich is translated into electromagnetic waves that connect the transmitter to the receiver.
These means can be physical media , such as (2) , or radio
(3) , which are transmitted by air. Different kind of cables can be
used. The simplest communication cables consist of a single pair of (4)
twisted together. Other types are (5) cables and optical
(6) __ . Radio waves need (7) __
to be transmitted and sometimes (8) __ _ are necessa ry for long-distance

Jlu4shiyFisik Jlu4shiyFisik    3   28.01.2021 19:55    255

ruzall ruzall  18.01.2024 13:30
вставить слова в предложение. MEANS OF TRANSMISSION
cables. radio. waves.
wires. coaxial cables. optical fibres. antennas. satellites

- Telecommunication systems need means for the (1 transmission) of any information, which is translated into electromagnetic waves that connect the transmitter to the receiver.
These means can be physical media, such as (2 cables), or radio (3 waves), which are transmitted by air.
Different kind of cables can be used. The simplest communication cables consist of a single pair of (4 wires) twisted together.
Other types are (5 coaxial cables) and optical (6 fibers).
Radio waves need (7 antennas) to be transmitted and sometimes (8 satellites) are necessary for long-distance transmission.
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