The Industrial Revolution began in England in the 18th century and soon spread to Western Europe and the USA. New machines could make
things much faster than before, when people worked by hand. In 1764, James
Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’ to twist thread for making cloth.
But the most important invention was James Watt’s steam engine, which he
built during the 1760s. Engineers began using steam engines to power
machines in factories and built the first steamboats and trains. These all
needed coal to make steam, so the coal mining industry also grew quickly.
More and more factories and coalmines appeared, turning small towns into
big cities as people moved there to work. By 1850, half of the English
population lived in cities, in poor, overcrowded housing. Men, women and
even children worked in factories or mines. Working conditions were hard
and unhealthy, and wages were low. Conditions slowly improved,
however, and the things factories produced gave people a better standard of
living. One thing is certain though, the Industrial Revolution changed the
steam engine world forever.
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gilewich gilewich    2   16.10.2020 12:33    54

kolya14445 kolya14445  22.01.2024 10:19
1) Прочитайте текст и поймите, о чем в нем идет речь. В тексте рассказывается о том, как промышленная революция началась в Англии в 18 веке и распространилась на Западную Европу и США. Новые машины позволяли производить вещи намного быстрее, чем раньше, когда люди работали вручную. Были изобретены машины для прядения нитей и паровой двигатель, который использовался для питания машин в фабриках, пароходов и поездов. В результате роста промышленности появились новые города, в которые люди переехали для работы. Условия работы в фабриках и шахтах были тяжелыми и нездоровыми, но со временем они улучшились, и промышленное производство повысило уровень жизни людей. В итоге, промышленная революция навсегда изменила мир.

2) Оцените утверждения и отметьте правильные (TRUE) или неправильные (FALSE) предложения:

- The Industrial Revolution began in France. (FALSE)
- James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny. (TRUE)
- The most important invention of the Industrial Revolution was the steam engine. (TRUE)
- Steam engines were used to power machines only in factories. (FALSE)
- The coal mining industry did not experience growth during the Industrial Revolution. (FALSE)
- The majority of the English population lived in cities by 1850. (TRUE)
- Working conditions in factories and mines improved over time. (TRUE)
- The Industrial Revolution did not have any impact on people's standard of living. (FALSE)

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