Сгруппируйте словосочетания : 1 словосочетания , в которых нарушено нормативное употребление глаголов ; 2 ) словосочетания , в которых не нарушено нормативное употребление глаголов . исправьте морфологические ошибки . клади сюда : езжай домой , я фальшивю ; колебается маятник ; не порть бумагу ; положь на место ; прилятте на диван , жгёшь мусор ; махаешь руками ; поклади на стол ; ляжь и отдохни ; заведываю складом выздоровеешь ко вторнику : движет в комнате мебель : рыскает по лесу ; избегнул и неприятностей ; он вторгнулся на мою территор

subratova2007 subratova2007    3   20.05.2019 16:50    512

SaShAkOT13 SaShAkOT13  20.05.2019 18:10

genre: comedy, adventure.

  film running length:   the film’s running time is 103 minutes

release date: the film was released on tenth of november in 1990

directed by:   the film was directed by chris columbus

country: usa(united states of america)

language : english

who's in it?

kevin mccallister

macaulay culkin-kevin mccallister.

daniel stern  -marv merchants

joe pesci  - harry lyme

john heard- peter mccallister

catherine o'hara-kate mccallister

  what's the plot?

the film is about kevin mccallister. peter mccallister and kate mccallister(kevin’s parents) forgot their child at home. he is an eight years old who is left at home. parents realized that they forgot their son only when they were in the plane. harry lyme and marv merchants are the robbers. they purposely waited till the christmas holidays. on christmas holidays is very easy to break into the house and rob whatever they want.   but then they noticed that someone is still inside mccallister’s house. and here start’s the boy’s battle against the buglers. he needs to protect his house and to catch them too.

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