Чтобы пройти от двери к роялю, надо было переступить через пять шатких половиц. сделайте синтаксический разбор

valeriy3fors valeriy3fors    1   15.03.2019 09:38    79

ALXEN03 ALXEN03  15.03.2019 11:00
On the way home from school i oftenmeet dogs and cats in the park and right on the streets. just one look at this animals is a enough to understand that they are hungry and don't have comfortoble house. winter is the hardest for them. they can't ask for help and only people can help them. pity them. in my opinionspresence stray animals it's people's fault. stray animals are also dangerous. i think that buildinganimal shelters is necessary. to some up stray animals on streets it's very big problem which people and goverments should solve.
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