1. Мы разговариваем о её отце. 2. Она покупает подарок для своего отца. 3. Она едет в Душанбе без своего отца. 4. Эта книга не для тебя. 5. Эта книга без картинок. 6. Эта книга об одной очень умной девушке. 7. Они играют в футбол без нас. 8. Она играет на пианино для меня. 9. Я получаю эти газеты для него. 10. Он делает игрушки для детей. 11. Этот фильм – о маленьких брате и сестре. 12. Эта статья – о замечательном спортсмене. 13. Он по-немецки пишет статьи о компьютерах для этого журнала. 14. Они часто говорят о своем загородном доме.

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khudobeidiana khudobeidiana  30.12.2023 06:51
1. We are talking about her father.
Мы говорим о её отце.
In this sentence, the preposition "about" is used to indicate the topic of discussion, which is the girl's father.

2. She is buying a gift for her father.
Она покупает подарок для своего отца.
The preposition "for" is used to show the recipient of the gift, which is her father.

3. She is going to Dushanbe without her father.
Она едет в Душанбе без своего отца.
The preposition "without" is used to indicate the absence of her father in the trip to Dushanbe.

4. This book is not for you.
Эта книга не для тебя.
Here, the preposition "for" is used to indicate the intended recipient of the book, which is not the person being addressed.

5. This book is without pictures.
Эта книга без картинок.
The preposition "without" is used to indicate the absence of pictures in the book.

6. This book is about a very intelligent girl.
Эта книга об одной очень умной девушке.
The preposition "about" is used to indicate the subject or content of the book, which is a smart girl.

7. They are playing football without us.
Они играют в футбол без нас.
The preposition "without" is used to indicate the absence of "us" in their football game.

8. She plays the piano for me.
Она играет на пианино для меня.
The preposition "for" is used to show the intended audience or recipient of her piano playing, which is "me".

9. I receive these newspapers for him.
Я получаю эти газеты для него.
The preposition "for" is used to indicate the recipient or purpose of receiving the newspapers, which is "him".

10. He makes toys for children.
Он делает игрушки для детей.
The preposition "for" is used to indicate the intended recipients of the toys, which are the children.

11. This movie is about a little brother and sister.
Этот фильм – о маленьком брате и сестре.
The preposition "about" is used to indicate the subject or content of the movie, which is a little brother and sister.

12. This article is about an amazing athlete.
Эта статья – о замечательном спортсмене.
The preposition "about" is used to indicate the subject or content of the article, which is an amazing athlete.

13. He writes articles about computers in German for this magazine.
Он по-немецки пишет статьи о компьютерах для этого журнала.
The preposition "about" is used to indicate the topic of the articles, which is computers. The preposition "for" is used to indicate the intended audience or recipient of the articles, which is this magazine.

14. They often talk about their country house.
Они часто говорят о своем загородном доме.
The preposition "about" is used to indicate the topic of their conversations, which is their country house.
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