Контрольная работа состоит из трёх вопросов. на каждый вопрос 3 ответа, один из которых правильный. составить закон распределения числа правильных ответов при простом угадывании . найти ожидание, дисперсию.

smirnovigor smirnovigor    1   27.06.2019 09:27    104

BestPe BestPe  27.06.2019 13:20
1)the two friends lived in liverpool, didn't they? 2)the boys didn't like doing sums, did they? 3)the river mersey was far busier in the old days, wasn't it? 4)the narrator's relatives had seen a lot of parts of the globe, hadn't they? 5)the boys were not teenagers at the time, were they? 6)the boys tried to plan their voyage, didn't they? 7)the boys didn't prepare food and drink for their voyage, did they? 8)the boys could easily get on board the ship, couldn't they? 9)the boys had to give themselves up after midge got sick, didn't they? 10)the narrator's parents didn't believe his story, did they?
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