6 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then study the dictionary entries below. Complete the pairs of adjectives.
1 awake Opposite:
2 late Opposite:
3 beautiful Opposite:
4 thick Opposite:
5 near Opposite:
6 soft Opposite:
awake la'werk/ adjective not sleeping: The children are
still awake. > opposite asleep
early /'3:li/ adjective before the usual or right time: The
train arrived ten minutes early. > opposite late
ugly Magli/ adjective not pleasant to look at: The house
was really ugly. > opposite beautiful
thick Oik/ adjective far from one side to the other: The
walls are very thick. > opposite thin
far? /fa:(r)/ adjective a long way away: Let's walk - it's
not far. > opposite near
hard' /hard/ adjective not soft: These apples are very

6 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then study the dictionary entries below. Complete the pairs of adjectiv

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