20 предложений моя родина казахстан на языке

MAGNUSIK1 MAGNUSIK1    1   01.08.2019 08:10    0

flexELITE3 flexELITE3  03.10.2020 19:29
Everyone loves the earth on which he was born., From early childhood, he was attached to the culture of their region..
He knows their native language, sing their native songs., He knows all the traditions and rituals..
Only then man can be called a patriot if he does the following things..
first. Even if he moves to another country. He continues to keep and perform the same traditions and rituals. Which he imbibed with mother's milk. .
He will die for their country. if war breaks out.

Only a true patriot knows the history of his homeland very well. He will remember all the dates. He will remember the names of historical figures. And finally, he will be proud of his country.

Now, a little about me.!

I was born in Kazakhstan., I know Hymn of the Republic., I know the history of my country. Very good., I respect my country., I'm proud of my country., I love my motherland. and I think that I am a true patriot!
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