1. the road is … than we expected. a) long b) longer c) longerst d) the longest e) longerer 2. the girl is very …. a) intelligent b) more intelligent c) the intelligent d) the most intelligent e) more 3. this song is … one in the world! a) more beautiful b) the most beautiful c) beautiful d) beautifiler e) beautifulest 4. the weather today is …. than it was yesterday. a) worse b) bad c) the worst d) the baddest e) badder 5. the story was …. a) interestinger b) inerestingest c) more interesting d) interesting e) the most 6. the mark is a … than i expected. a) the best b) gooder c) good d) better e) the best 7. she is …. than me. a) polite b) politest c) politer d) the politer e) the polite 8. the boy is … runner of all. a) fast b) faster c) more fast d) the most fast e) the fastest 9. the film was …. than the book. a) interesting b) interestinger c) more interesting d) interestingest e) the most 10. the cake is …. than the ice-cream. a) sweeter b) the sweetest c) more sweeter d) the sweeterer e) sweet 11. some cars are … than others. a) more expensive b) the most expensive c) expensive d) expensiver e) expensivest 12. the jeans are …. than the trousers. a) dirty b) the dirty c) the dirtiest d) dirtier e) the dirtier 13. the dog is …. than its master. a) angrier b) the angriest c) angry d) angryer e) angryest choose the right date of the public holidays. 14. victory day a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 15. independence day a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 16. new year a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 17. may day a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 18. women’s day a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 19. nauryz a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march 20. constitution day a) the 9th of may b) the 1st of may c) the 30th of august d) the 21st of march e) the 16th of december f) the 31st of december g) the 8th of march find the 2nd form of the irregular verbs. 21. go a) went b) gone c) goed d) wented e) goned 22. take a) taked b) taken c) took d) tooked e) tooken 23. put a) puted b) put c) putten d) putered e) puterened 24. drink a) drinked b) drinken c) drank d) dranked e) drinker 25. have a) had b) haved c) havered d) haven e) hevened

gladiatorcor gladiatorcor    1   01.09.2019 14:30    1

qwerty836 qwerty836  06.10.2020 09:55
1 Long
2 intelligent
3 The Most Beautiful
4 worse
5 interesting
6 good
7 politer
8 the fastest
9 more interesting
10 sweeter
11 more expensive
12 dirtyer
13 angryer
14 The 9th of may
15 :(
16 the 31st of desember
17 1st if may
18 the 8th of march
19 :(
20 21st of march
21 went
22 took
23 put
24 drank
25 had
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