1. измените предложения с общими вопросами на косвенную речь. например: «are you happy? » he asked her. («ты счастлива? », спросил он ee.) - he asked her if she was happy. (он спросил, счастлива ли она. ) 1. i asked him, "have you seen my dog? " 2. "can you give me an ice-cream? " asked the little girl. 3. "do you know when she will return? " he asked. 4. the teacher said to the girls, "have you done your homework? " 5. the little boy asked the man, *will you help me? " 6. "are you coming home with me? " he asked me. 7. "do you really come from japan? " the prince asked the young man. 8. "don't you have a driving license? " i asked her. 9. ann said, "did anybody see you? " 10."are they hungry? " my mother asked. 11."can you speak french? " the manager asked. 12. was your sister at home? " bob asked.

elena444454 elena444454    1   07.10.2019 04:50    145

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