Сочинение по комедии "ревизор".сочинение писать по цитате юрия лотмана: "основы его вранья-бесконечное презрение к себе самому".150-200 слов

necoshevcom necoshevcom    1   26.01.2020 15:17    1

rollinz14 rollinz14  11.10.2020 03:18

What does the word “food” mean to you? Is it a pleasure or just a fuel? This question has been disputable for a long time and everybody has his personal opinion about it. The majority of people would agree that we eat in order to have enough energy to complete our routine tasks. Nevertheless, nobody would agree to eat the same set of products from day to day. Moreover, food is certainly more than just a number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It’s the way to get some satisfaction after a long working day for the vast majority of people.

As for me, I can’t say that food is just a fuel but it’s surely not a religion in my house. I suppose I have traditional meals such as breakfast, lunch and dinner, but I can have several snacks between my meals as well if I get hungry. I’m trying to keep a healthy diet, so my breakfast usually includes cereals with yogurt or oatmeal with eggs. Also, I can add some fruit to my breakfast, but I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning. It helps me to wake up and be ready for the day. I usually have lunch in the canteen at school, so it depends on what they offer there.


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