Песня про манную кашку. Послушай песню поэта-барда. Как ты думаешь, что Веронике Долиной сочинить такую песню?

egubiev egubiev    3   30.04.2020 21:39    0

alihan22888 alihan22888  30.04.2020 22:30

Долина, Песня про манную кашу. Олеша Юрий Карлович. Три Толстяка +. ... Аудиостихотворение для детей Вероники Долиной "Песня про манную кашу". "Ах, какой ты славный!/Долина, Песня про манную кашу. Олеша Юрий Карлович. Три Толстяка +. ... Аудиостихотворение для детей Вероники Долиной "Песня про манную кашу". "Ах, какой ты славный!/

kostina68 kostina68  30.04.2020 22:30

The main character of the fairy tale George sand "what the flowers say" thinks that she can hear the voices of flowers. The girl was outraged by the competition of flowers, their vanity and envy, and she called the conversation of flowers nonsense.

The flowers were arguing about which of them was prettier and better. They resented the fact that people paid more attention to the rose. They wanted to prove their advantage over the beauty of roses, because they felt offended and envious of the rose.

The bindweed called itself "Prince Delphinium" and said that its crown reflected the azure of the sky, and its relatives owned all the pink tints.

The field poppy is considered an unpleasant smell the roses, and your pleasant.

Asters claimed that they did not smell of anything and this proved their decency and good manners. Smell, in their opinion, is evidence of immodesty and boastfulness. The asters themselves boasted of their shades of purple and blue, and that they had up to five hundred petals, while the rose had only two hundred.


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