«Көп тіл білу –заман талабы» деген пікірмен келісесіз бе? Келісу, келіспеу себептерін көрсетіп, өз ойыңызды эссе түрінде жазыңыз. Эссе мазмұнына сай көмекші есімдерді орынды қолданыңыз. Көлемі 10-15 сөйлем. (Показывая свое согласие /не согласие с выражением «Көп тіл білу-заман талабы» ,напиши свои мысли в виде эссе. Объем 10-15 предложении. В тексте используй көмекші сөздер.Используй такие выражения : менің ойымша, мен білуімше,себебі, сондықтан, мен келісемін/мен келіспеймін, қорыта келгенде,сонымен қатар т.б. ).

bat9qee bat9qee    1   29.10.2020 16:45    3

katia6747 katia6747  29.10.2020 16:50


school is where we learn . Everyone remembers their first day at school. Today is the first of September. Exciting, festive, beautiful day. It was from that day that I understood the word "school" and how difficult it is to learn in the world of knowledge. Since then, every day at school has been unique for me. I found a lot of friends here. At each break, we communicate, and at each lesson you will learn more and more new and interesting things. The uniqueness of my school is that only we have such wonderful, kind and sensitive teachers who are able to find an approach to each student. In each lesson, they put a large part of their soul into us. Without knowledge, a person today cannot live in any country in the world. An educated person is valued anywhere in the world. Therefore, our teachers help each child to learn new material not only for good grades, but also for high-quality knowledge.

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