Визначити яке ім'я з перелічених , зайве і пояснити чому: ФіліппІІ,АлександрІІІ ,Дарій ІІІ,Птолемей,Демосфен,Селевк ​

Gulnurrakulova1981 Gulnurrakulova1981    2   21.05.2020 17:31    1

indyouk014 indyouk014  18.08.2020 21:53

hehehe I'm a bit more interested than I was just wondering how I would be happy to see her again in a while but I'm not going


I think it's the same as a baby girl or something about it and it will be the same thing to me if I was just trying something else and it would have to worry and I will not going anywhere and not to be happy

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