с Историей

Установите соответствие между чертами церкви и её названием.

Лютеранство / Католичество

1)Назначение священников римским папой
2)Богослужение на родном языке
3)Подчинение светским властям
4)Выборность священников
5)Независимость от светской власти
6)Богослужение на латыни

Crownglas Crownglas    2   17.05.2020 17:56    174

olgatolga olgatolga  14.01.2024 11:42
1) Назначение священников римским папой - Католичество
This is because in Catholicism, the appointment of priests is done by the Pope, who is the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope has the authority to choose and assign priests to different roles within the Church.

2) Богослужение на родном языке - Лютеранство
In Lutheranism, worship is conducted in the language understood by the congregation. Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism, emphasized the importance of understanding the teachings of the Bible in the language of the people. Therefore, Lutherans conduct their religious services in the language spoken by the local community.

3) Подчинение светским властям - Католичество
Catholicism emphasizes the importance of being obedient to secular authorities and recognizes the authority of government in matters of civil law. The Catholic Church believes in the separation of church and state and promotes cooperation with secular authorities for the betterment of society.

4) Выборность священников - Лютеранство
In Lutheranism, the selection of priests is done through a democratic process where the congregation has a say in choosing their leaders. The members of the church actively participate in the decision-making process and have the ability to elect their priests.

5) Независимость от светской власти - Лютеранство
Lutheranism promotes the idea of the church being separate from secular authority. Lutheranism believes in the autonomy of the church and its independence from the interference of secular powers. This allows for the expression of religious beliefs and practices without undue influence from the government.

6) Богослужение на латыни - Католичество
In Catholicism, worship services are traditionally conducted in Latin, the language of the Roman Catholic Church. This practice dates back to ancient times and was followed for centuries in Catholic liturgies. During the Second Vatican Council, changes were made to allow for the use of local languages, but Latin remains an integral part of Catholic religious practices.

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