Choose the most appropriate type of printer for these situations from the descriptions in B opposite. 1 a home user who wants to print text documents and family photographs
2 business people who need to print in large quantities at high quality in an office
3 engineers who want to make detailed line drawings
4 professional typesetters in desktop publishing (e.g. to publish catalogues and magazines)
5 a company that wants to print carbon copies of bills and receipts
Find terms in B opposite which correspond to these definitions.
1 a container that holds the ink in an ink-jet printer
2 powdered ink used in laser printers
3 small needles that press on the inked ribbon to make the characters on paper
4 printer technology that produces text and pictures by hammering pins against a ribbon and the paper
5 a language that tells a printer how to print a document
6 a peripheral which combines a printer, a fax machine and photocopying and scanning capability into one device