Анимировать солнце program qq; uses graphabc; var x,h: real; i,n,r,k,c: integer; begin n: =10; c: =8; begin k: =1; r: =100; i: =1; repeat setbrushcolor(rgb(230-k,230-k,0)); circle(200,200,r); k: =k+20; i: =i+1; r: =r-20; until i=c; end; rectangle (0,580,1920,1018); floodfill (1,581,cllime); floodfill (10,4,clblue); rectangle (800,380,1100,680); h: =(1100-800)/(n+1); x: =800+h; for i: =1 to n do begin line (round(x),380,round(x),680); x: =x+h; end; floodfill (801,381,clbrown); floodfill (829,381,clbrown); floodfill (857,381,clbrown); floodfill (885,381,clbrown); floodfill (910,381,clbrown); floodfill (938,381,clbrown); floodfill (966,381,clbrown); floodfill (994,381,clbrown); floodfill (1022,381,clbrown); floodfill (1050,381,clbrown); floodfill (1078,381,clbrown); rectangle (900,480,1000,590); floodfill (901,481,clgray); rectangle (904,484,996,530); floodfill (905,485,clyellow); rectangle (904,534,950,586); floodfill (905,535,clred); rectangle (954,534,996,586); floodfill (955,535,clblue); line (950,300,1100,380); line (800,380,950,300); line (800,380,1100,380); floodfill (1036,379,clgray); floodfill (950,350,clsilver); circle (950,340,30); floodfill (950,340,clred); rectangle (305,615,280,624); floodfill (291,616,clgreen); rectangle (350,600,330,670); floodfill (340,650,clgreen); rectangle (400,600,420,670); floodfill (410,650,clgreen); circle (470,600,30); floodfill (470,600,clgreen); circle (480,580,10); floodfill (480,580,clwhite); circle (482,582,2); floodfill (482,582,clblack); rectangle (480,600,500,604); floodfill (484,602,clred); ellipse (300,590,450,650); floodfill (350,600,clbrown); end.

PatrickKKK PatrickKKK    1   25.07.2019 21:50    1

natalicharry natalicharry  03.10.2020 13:02
// PascalABC.NET 3.1, сборка 1218 от 12.04.2016
uses GraphABC;

procedure Sun(x, y: integer);
  var c := 8;
  for var j := 1 to 100 do
    var r := 15 * c;
    var k := 0;
    if j mod 2 = 0 then k := 20;
    for var i := 0 to c do
      Brush.Color := RGB(230 - k, 230 - k, 0);
      Circle(x, y, r);
      k := k + 15;
      r := r - 15;

procedure House(x, y: integer);
  Brush.Color := clBrown;
  Pen.Color := clBurlyWood;
  var house_width := 300;
  var house_height := 300;
  var count := 10;
  var step := round(house_width / count);
  FillRectangle(x, y, x + house_width, y + house_height);
  var xx := x;
  for var i := 1 to count - 1 do
    xx := xx + step;
    Line(xx, y, xx, y + house_height);
  Brush.Color := clGray;
  FillRectangle(x + 100, y + 100, x + 200, y + 210);
  Brush.Color := clYellow;
  FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 105, x + 195, y + 150);
  Brush.Color := clRed;
  FillRectangle(x + 105, y + 155, x + 150, y + 205);
  Brush.Color := clBlue;
  FillRectangle(x + 155, y + 155, x + 195, y + 205);
  MoveTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80);
  LineTo(x + house_width, y, Pen.Color);
  LineTo(x, y, Pen.Color);
  LineTo(x + house_width div 2, y - 80, Pen.Color);
  FlooDfill(x + house_width div 2, y - 10, clOlive);
  Brush.Color := clRed;
  Circle(x + house_width div 2, y - 35, 30);

procedure Turtoise(x, y: integer);
  Brush.Color := clGreen;
  Pen.Color := clGreen;
  FillRectangle(x + 5, y + 15, x - 20, y + 24);
  FillRectangle(x + 50, y, x + 30, y + 70);
  FillRectangle(x + 100, y, x + 120, y + 70);
  FillCircle(x + 170, y, 30);
  Brush.Color := clWhite;
  FillCircle(x + 180, y - 20, 10);
  Brush.Color := clBlack;
  FillCircle(x + 182, y - 18, 2);
  Brush.Color := clRed;
  FillRectangle(x + 180, y, x + 200, y + 4);
  Brush.Color := clBrown;
  FillEllipse(x, y - 10, x + 150, y + 50);

  Window.Init(0, 0, 1920, 1000, clBlue);
  Brush.Color := clLimeGreen;
  Rectangle(0, 580, 1920, 1018);
  House(700, 380);
  Turtoise(300, 600);
  Turtoise(900, 750);
  Sun(1200, 200);
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