Aalternative method known as a penis extender such as those made by fast size or quick extender pro. the penis extender device was developed by medical professionals and was designed to be worn daily. through the act of constant force (controlled traction) promote cellular growth thus creating new penis tissue. i won't be going into the details as proven results can be throughout medical journals and online. the penis extender brings a level of convenience which far surpasses the time consuming jelqing technique. the extender system gives the user the freedom get great results during the day and night. you can wear the device at work, during errands or even leisure time. a newer device such as the quick extender pro takes comfort to the next level by including a secondary comfort pad to distribute strain and tension so the device can be worn for several more hours than existing brands. many people have reported through community online forums that newer system like the quick extender pro have become much more comfortable due to its dual comfort strap system. systems like these offer a greater range of flexibility, convenience and comfort targeted towards men with busy lives and even busier schedules.