WRITING (Письмо). So the first task. Here you should note in sentences what is true or false. (Выполните упражнение на верно/неверно) 1. Tornadoes are also known as twisters.
2. The speed of tornadoes is always the same.
3. Tornadoes cannot damage property.
4. Tornadoes mostly happen in specific places of the planet.
5. One of the strongest tornadoes happened at the end of the 20th century in America.
Reading Task 2 Find the words that mean: (Внимательно прочитайте предложения и напишите слова со следующим значением:)
1. Verb that means “turn around, revolve”
2. Noun, synonym to the word “damage”
3. Adverb, antonym to the words “seldom, hardly ever”.
4. Synonym to the word “happen”.
5. Verb that means “hurt”.​

lex9090 lex9090    2   12.03.2021 12:30    1

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