Task 1. Listen and choose between A, B, C or D. CD3. Tapescript 4.
Have you ever thought how strange fashion is? People tell us what clothes to wear. That’s weird. Fashion stores tell us what is “in” this summer or this winter. People then buy the same clothes and look like everyone else because they want to feel trendy. The thing is, fashion is about being an individual, but then we all wear clothes that are the same as everyone else’s! Keeping up with fashion is expensive these days. Everyone is into brand fashion. Have you seen how much the most fashionable sneakers are? How can kids afford those? The craziest fashion is the luxury brands. People spend a month’s salary, or more, on a handbag or watch. That’s crazy. I’m happy with an unknown brand at half the price. I don’t mind being unfashionable.
Use the link to listen information http://www.listenaminute.com/f/fashion.mp3
Example:0.What places tell us what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ this summer?
A) shops
1. According to the speaker fashion is
A) silly
B) strange
C) fantastic
D) boring [1]
2. According to the speaker who tells us about fashion.
A) sportsmen
B) government
D)people [1]
Continue listening to tape and fill in the gaps with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS:
3. Keeping up with fashion is these days. [1]
Total [3]
Task 2 . Read the text and fill in the table below with necessary information.
There are five main types of nutrients we need from our food. These are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. A sixth important part of our diet is roughage or fibre.
Carbohydrates are mainly used by the body as fuel. Digestion breaks them into a simple sugar called glucose. This is carried in the blood to provide energy for all our body parts.
Proteins perform many important jobs in the body. Your body needs them to grow, and to make repairs when it is damaged.
The body needs some fat to build its parts and keep them working properly. Fat can also be used as fuel, for energy.
Fibre does not provide nutrition, but it helps bulk up waste so that it passes easily through the body. People who do not consume enough roughage are more likely to suffer from constipation, which can sometimes lead to more serious diseases of the intestines.
Minerals are simple substances such as calcium, iron and salt. You need to eat a lot of mineral-rich food when your body is growing.
Vitamins. Vitamins are special substances that your body needs in tiny amounts but cannot make itself.
Importance in the diet
Example: This is carried in the blood to provide energy
1. Proteins
2. Fats
Answer the questions.
5. What do you need to eat when you are growing? [1]
6.What should you eat if you have some injuries? [1]
Total [6]
Task 3
Topic1. Fill in all the spaces provided. You can write more than one idea.
People need to eat food. There are many kinds of food that you can eat. Your diet is all of the food that you eat. Some food is healthy. Some food is not healthy. Healthy food is good for you. It helps you stay strong and live a long time.
What kind of food do you eat during the day?
Write three foods that are healthy:
Write three foods that are NOT healthy:
What kind of food is popular in your home country?
Which country has healthiest diet?
What advice can you give to a person to live long and healthy life?
Topic 2. When we talk about fashion we usually mean the popular style in dress or behavior. For most modern people fashion is a method of wearing to express themselves. What do you think about it?
Write 80-90 words.
• Talk about the clothes you are wearing today. Do you like them? Why? / Why not?
• What new clothes would you like to buy?
• Have you ever bought fashion magazines? Why? / Why not?
• What are some of your favorite brands of clothing?
• Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?
• What do clothes tell people about our personalities?