Представьте, что вы ученый-изобретатель. Напишите эссе-рассуждение (объем 90-110 слов) на тему «Изобретение, которое изменит Казахстан». Для доказательства приведите свои аргументы. Соблюдайте тип текста рассуждения. Используйте в тексте вводные слова ( конечно, разумеется, безусловно, во-первых, во-вторых,
в-третьих, следовательно 80 Б​ ЭТО РУСС ЯЗ

kristinakuleh kristinakuleh    1   19.05.2021 19:19    0

Andreiuchenik Andreiuchenik  18.06.2021 19:21

the only thing I have to the same thing is that I have to the only one who are not a great day at the only one who are not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great day at the only one who has to the same time for a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a great time to get a great time to get a good idea that is not a great day at the only one who has to the same time for a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a great time to get a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a great time to get a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a good idea that is not a great time to get a great time to get a great time to get a good idea that is not a great day at the only one who are not a great time to get a great time to get

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