Read the text and find 10 verbs in the past simple. THE FROG PRINCE
Once upon a time, there lived a princess who adored objects made of gold. Her favorite toy in the world was a golden ball. On hot days, she liked to sit beside an old well in the cool forest, tossing the ball in the air. One day, the ball slipped from her fingers into the well, which was so deep that the princess could not see the bottom.
“Oh dear! I’ll never find it!” the princess said, and she began to cry.
Suddenly, a voice called out from below.
“What’s the matter, beautiful princess? Why are you crying?”
The princess looked all around but couldn’t see anyone.
“Down here, ” said the little voice.
The princess looked down and saw a green frog poking its head out of the water.
“Oh, it’s only you,” she said. “If you must know, I’m upset because my golden ball fell into the well.”
“I could get it back for you,” said the frog.
“But what will you give me as a reward?”
Whatever you like, frog. How about my pearls and jewels,” the princess suggested. “Or perhaps my golden crown?”
“What would I do with a crown?” said the frog.
“But I’ll get your ball if you promise I can be your best friend, and come for dinner and sleep over at your house.”
All right. You can be my best friend,” said the princess. But secretly she thought the frog was talking a whole lot of nonsense.                                                                          [5]

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