If your hair is thinning, the hair revital x review most likely cause is a condition known as androgenic alopecia. this condition is most often called male or female pattern baldness. it affects most men and about 40 percent of all women. this is an inherited condition which can be treated. there are medicated treatments available, but there are natural remedies which are just as effective. the herb saw palmetto is an effective natural treatment for hair loss.

androgenic alopecia is linked to the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, also known as dht. women produce dht in their ovaries and men produce it in there testicles. dht forces the strands to fall out in large numbers because it attacks the follicles.it usually causes the strands to fall out in certain patterns, hence the nickname. men will typically have a receding hair line and may eventually lose all of the strands on the top of the hair. the only remain strands they will have left will

usually be in the lower back and sides of the head.

women usually will not go completely bald. instead, they will notice that their strands are thinning throughout the head. the only way to control this condition is to use a treatment for hair loss which effectively lowers the levels of dht in the body.saw palmetto was used as an alternative treatment for men with an enlarged prostate long before it was discovered that it is also an effective treatment for hair loss. the patients who were using this herb for urinary conditions noticed an unexpected benefit, their hair started to thicken!

xelasaa48 xelasaa48    2   23.12.2019 07:10    0

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