Окажите так как очень важно!

anastasiyapinoнастя anastasiyapinoнастя    1   18.05.2020 01:52    0

Scared911 Scared911  18.05.2020 02:30

There are a lot of different professions in this world. Some of them is more suitable for men, some of them is suitable for women but today due to gender equality they are no longer so divided.

However, certain professions remain suitable mostly for men since they are considered physically hard, harmful or even dangerous.

Объяснение:My name is Natalia. I’m 15 years old. I study in the 9th grade of the state secondary school. At the moment I’m facing an important period of life when I need to choose my future profession.

ИльяФеоктистов ИльяФеоктистов  18.05.2020 02:30

Я учитель  твойОбъяснение:

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